- Manuels à usage interne
- Documents destinés à la collecte d'informations
- Documents destinés à une révision interne ultérieure
Post-editing is process of correcting the results of machine translation (MT). This is the process of correcting the results machine translation (MT), by a person called a post-editor (or translator in our case).
For post-editing, machine translation production is a prerequisite. Unlike a translator who uses a previous translation as a reference for a new translation, the
machine translation engine produces a translation from scratch and the result is corrected by a post-editor.
The aim is to reduce translation costs and shorten delivery times. The continuous improvement in the quality of machine translation means that it is attracting attention as new translation option.
Translation errors, such as terminology mistakes and omissions, are avoided, but there are some things that are difficult to apply in post-editing, such as translation fluency, proper nouns and technical terms. The quality required for the target language is agreed and determined
with the customer before starting the project.
No, I don't. Post-editing work will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, as it depends heavily on the results of the machine translation engine used and the level of quality agreed with the customer. The TRADOS system is used, but the fee schedule does not apply as this is not a translation.
You can make the most of your existing translation resources and combine them with machine translation engine.
If the customer doesn't use one, we offer the translation engine we use.
As post-editing is based on machine translation, if the result of machine translation is inconsistent, the quality of the translation produced by post-editing may not be optimum. What's more, no matter how much editing a post-editor performs, the final result will resemble
machine translation. For this reason, it is not suitable for all documents.
- Manuals for internal use
- Information gathering documents
- Documents for subsequent internal review
- External documents such as press releases and user
- Documents requiring strict precision in technical terms and proper names
- Documents requiring "fluid" translation
Our AI & POST-EDITION service: how does it work?
First of all, we'll ask you about your translation projects on a case-by-case basis.
At this stage, we also check whether the document and its content are suitable for post-editing.
If the customer doesn't have a machine translation engine, we can perform post-editing and machine translation.
The machine translation we use is not 'Google Translate', and content will be deleted once the machine translation has been completed in the translation engine. The content therefore remains confidential, which poses no security problem.
Free samples will be provided to determine the desired level of quality.
We'll do post-editing and provide free samples of real projects.
The sample is limited to a few pages. Only when you are satisfied with the desired quality can you make a formal request.
Once the content of the job has been agreed, we will provide an estimate including price and delivery date.
Microsoft Office and other layout software are also available if required (in combination with Trados or independently).
A workflow that uses various translation tools (SDL TRADOS Studio) to apply translation memory (TM) and machine translation (MT), can improve the efficiency of future
"For documents for internal use, the quality of the translation will be sufficient if there are no major translation errors or omissions, as long as the content is understandable. We were satisfied with the cost and speed of delivery." (Target document: Translation of prototype documents required for software development)
"We needed to translate a procedure manual to share with our overseas branches, and after receiving a proposal from Post-Edition, which focused on reducing costs and turnaround times, we checked the quality of a sample document submitted on a trial basis with an official quote, and after being satisfied with the result, we placed the order." (Target document: Procedure manual)
"We have moved from manual translation to machine translation and post-editing for internal documents that prioritize fast delivery over quality. We have been able to translate documents that had not been translated before, because we have been able to reduce the delivery time considerably and cut the cost in half. New services and important information can now be shared with overseas subsidiaries without delay. (Target document: documents for engineers)
"We had needed this type of translation in our company for some time, so we asked for a quote and placed a trial order to see how it differed from manual translation. We were looking for a quality product for internal use, and the result was well received within the company." (Target documents: documents for internal meetings)